Using passkeys to sign into featureOS

Using passkeys to sign into featureOS

What are Passkeys?

Passkeys provide you a secure way to sign in to an app or website, without needing to create and remember a password.

Instead of a password, a passkey uses Touch ID or Face ID to identify you. Each passkey consists of a pair of keys, one held by you and the other held by the app or website. The key pair creates a secure and private connection between you and the app or website.

Adding a Passkey to your featureOS account

  1. Sign into your featureOS Dashboard → Click on your Profile avatar on the top right corner.

  2. Choose My Profile → Toggle to Settings.

  3. Scroll down to the Passkeys section.

  4. Click on Add a passkey to register the passkey of the device you are currently logged into.

  5. On the prompt that shows up choose the method you want the Passkey to be created and continue.

    • iCloud Keychain: This option is associated with Apple's iCloud Keychain, which can securely store and autofill passwords across your Apple devices. If you choose this option, your passkey may be linked to your Apple ID and stored in iCloud Keychain.

    • Use a phone, tablet, or security key: This option typically involves using a mobile device or a dedicated security key to generate and manage your passkey. It can provide an extra layer of security by requiring you to use a physical device for authentication.

    • Your Chrome profile: You can create a passkey tied to your Google Chrome web browser profile if Chrome is your primary browser and want to manage passwords and access through your browser settings.

    • USB security key: This option involves using a physical USB security key. You would insert the USB key when prompted to authenticate and access the website.

  6. Once done, your passkey will be registered successfully.

Signing in with a Passkey

Note : You must first add a passkey to your featureOS account before you can use the passkey to safely sign in to.

  • Navigate to your featureOS organization or visit https://portal.featureos.app/auth/signin to sign in

  • Click on Sign in with a passkey.

  • Proceed by following the on-screen instructions provided by your browser or platform to choose a passkey that can be accessed from your current device.

  • For example, when prompted, you could either use a fingerprint sensor or input your PIN.

Managing your passkeys

  • Navigate to your featureOS organization or visit https://portal.featureos.app/auth/signin to sign in

  • Click on your Profile avatar on the top right corner.

  • Choose My Profile → Toggle to Settings.

  • Scroll down to the Passkeys section where you can edit the an existing passkey's Device name

  • Alternatively, you will also find the option to delete a passkey.

Need more help?

Reach out to our support at [email protected] or submit a request on our support board! 😃

