Submit posts via Letterbox

Submit posts via Letterbox

Customers give a lot of commendable ideas and suggestions for your product to grow! Why not give them the flexibility to submit these ideas effortlessly?

With featureOS's Letterbox you can -

  1. Generate an email address specific to each board where your customers can send ideas to.

  2. Notify your users via your webpage/application about this email address. 

Your users can now submit ideas on the go, by simply drafting an email and shoot it! ☄️

Generating the letterbox email address

  1. Navigate to your featureOS DashboardBoards.

  2. Choose the specific board you need to configure Letterbox for.

  3. Toggle to SettingsLetterbox section.

  4. Use the toggle to enable Letterbox.

  5. You can also regenerate a different email address if needed. 

    ✔️ We use a combination of your board's name and a random string to help make the letterbox address unique and spam free. The address isn't customizable at this time!
    ✔️ Once you regenerate the letterbox address, the emails sent to the old letterbox address will not be added as posts. The new address will be active going forward! 
  6. Similarly you can setup Letterbox addresses for every board in your Organization.

Composing an email for submission

  1. The To address will be the autogenerated email address under the Letterbox section, of the Advanced settings.

  2. The Subject of the email will be the Title of the submitted post eventually.

  3. The Body of the email, along with images, if attached, will be the Description of the post submitted.

  4. If your organization has moderation turned on then the posts submitted via email by your users will be directed to the moderation section.

  5. Here’s how the submitted post would look.

  6. As soon as the submission is done, the submitter gets an email confirmation, validating their request.

  7. If the user wants to add more inputs or their comments to this post, they can simply reply to the confirmation email thread and it will be added to the post!

Plan & pricing

  • This feature is available for users on Fly High plan.

  • Alternatively, you can purchase it as a Power-Up for $10/month along with the Runway or Take Flight plans.


1. How does submit via email work?

Each organization gets an auto generated email address, specific to every board, that users can use in order to submit their ideas. The subject of the email will be the title of the post and the body of the email is mapped to the description.

2. Why email submission? Why not a direct submission on the platform?

We want to give our users the flexibility to capture more ideas on the fly.

3. Can I include attachments to the email?

Yes, you can add images into the body of the email and those will be included in the posts as well.

4. What’s the email address my customers can drop an email to?

You will find your organization’s Letterbox email address located under every board’s settings page, Dashboard → Boards → Choose a board → Settings → Letterbox.

5. Is there a way to differentiate posts submitted via letterbox and other posts?

Yes, posts submitted via email has an icon to indicate it in the all posts list and when you open the single post on the dashboard.

6. Can I choose the email address for my customers?

There will be an auto generated email address for every board like “[email protected]” and you can regenerate it your prefer a different one. There isn’t an option to customize it at the moment.

7. Do users need to use the same email address as the one they registered with for submitting via email?

In order to avoid spamming, yes, they do need to use the registered email address.

8. Can only the customers of the organization submit ideas via email address?

If your organization is public and you have Guest submission enabled, any user can drop an email submission for public boards using the respective board’s letterbox address. Provided, you’ve informed publicly about the email address they can use.

If your organization is private to keep your feedback channel spam-free we do restrict this feature to registered customers only.

9. Does posts submitted via email go into moderation?

Yes, if your organization has moderation turned on then the posts submitted via email, by your users, will be directed to the moderation section.

10. What if the boards are private?

Only the members of the private board can make this submission. Emails sent by other users will not be logged within your Organization or board set.

Need more help?

Reach out to our support at [email protected] or submit a request on our support board! 😃


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