Setting up SSO redirect using OneLogin via SAML

Setting up SSO redirect using OneLogin via SAML

featureOS uses its own authentication mechanism to either log users in or create a user account. You can still override this by using your own authentication system and use SSO via OneLogin. 

Getting started

  1. Start by navigating to your Dashboard → Organization Settings → Advanced → Single Sign-On.

  2. Generate an SSO key.

  3. Click on Configure for SSO redirect.

  4. Choose OneLogin from the dropdown and follow the upcoming steps on OneLogin.

Setting up the application on OneLogin 

  1. Log into your OneLogin account.

  2. Choose Application on the top left corner -> click on Add App on the top right corner.

  3. Search and choose - SAML Custom connector (Advanced).


  4. You can set up the name of the application as featureOS, a description and you can set up the logo

    using the .svg file here. [optional step]

  5. Once done toggle to configuration over the left and setup the following values.

    • Audience (EntityID) - Copy & paste the Audience (EntityID) URL from your featureOS organization’s OneLogin SSO configuration page.

    • Recipient - Copy & paste the Recipient URL from your featureOS organization’s OneLogin SSO configuration page.

    • ACS (Consumer) URL Validator - Copy & paste the ACS (Consumer) URL Validator URL from your featureOS organization’s OneLogin SSO configuration page.

    • ACS (Consumer) URL - Copy & paste the ACS (Consumer) URL from your featureOS organization’s OneLogin SSO configuration page.

    • Login URL - Copy & paste the Audience (EntityID) URL from your featureOS organization’s OneLogin SSO configuration page.

    • Make sure the SAML initiator is set as Service Provider and click on Save, in the top right corner.

  6. Once done, toggle to the SSO section on the left, copy the Issuer URL and paste it in the Issuer URL field in your featureOS organization’s OneLogin SSO configuration page.

  7. Once done, click on the Enable toggle and Save.

And now your organization is all set to authenticate user through SSO via OneLogin! Want to explore setting up a custom SSO redirect for your featureOS account? Check out our help article here!

Need more help?

Reach out to our support at [email protected] or submit a request on our support board! 😃

